After you click “Next” a bunch of times, click the Close button on the last of the installation screens.If you’re asked to allow Avast Security.app permission to access your Downloads folder, click the OK button.You do not need to install it, and can skip that step entirely. During the installation, you may be asked if you’d like to install Google Chrome.Then, click the Allow button next to the System software message (see screenshot below). Click on the ‘lock’ icon in the bottom left corner and enter your password when prompted. This will open the Security & Privacy section of the System Preferences.Click the Open Security Preferences button when you see that message. If you’re using macOS Catalina or Big Sur, you’ll get a warning message about a System Extension being blocked.

Click the Allow button when asked if program can be run to determine whether Avast will work on your Mac.

DMG file and double-click Install Avast Security.pkg Once the download has completed, open the.

This guide uses the free version of Avast Security – which includes a full antivirus/malware scanner. None of the free apps offer complete coverage. If you have critical, can’t-live-without stuff on your Mac, it’s worth paying for security software. Here’s how I feel about Mac security software – This detailed guide will show you how to install, configure and use free software to scan your Mac for viruses, malware and spyware.